Tuesday, January 13, 2009

how to make a potion

This is how a mad scientist makes a mad scientist's potion=
First you take an empty water bottle and make sure you have the cap,but don't put it on.
The you fill it up to about a quarter full and add a small amount of soap(either shampoo,body soap,or both.
Put the cap on and shake until all foamed up.
If cap is not on properly liquid foam will end up on you or the floor.
Make sure you are either working in the bath room or outside.
Make sure to keep away from children under the age of five.Consequences may be horrifying.( Also try not to let your mother know what you are up to. The last time I used the toothpaste, my mama wasn't very pleased!)
The next step is,put these things in the potion in the same order as listed,first put a squirt of tooth paste in, oh yeah ask your parents before you put these things in ,then you take a little measuring cup and fill it half way.Take a wheat cracker and a Ziploc bag, put the wheat cracker in the Ziploc bag and crush into fine powder(crush by using either a rolling pin or a hammer).
Then cut a small hole in the bottom corner of the Ziploc and pour the fine powder in to the bottle.
Close the cap and shake until nice and foamy.
You must say foamy kazoo, Kazoo foamy turn my annoying sister into a toad with ugly horns.
PS. I haven't perfected my magic potion yet as my sister Yaya still hasn't turned in to a toad.. But one of these days I know she will.
Posted by Toothless dragon who is gonna turn you in to a toad if ya annoy me!

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