Tuesday, January 13, 2009

how to make a potion

This is how a mad scientist makes a mad scientist's potion=
First you take an empty water bottle and make sure you have the cap,but don't put it on.
The you fill it up to about a quarter full and add a small amount of soap(either shampoo,body soap,or both.
Put the cap on and shake until all foamed up.
If cap is not on properly liquid foam will end up on you or the floor.
Make sure you are either working in the bath room or outside.
Make sure to keep away from children under the age of five.Consequences may be horrifying.( Also try not to let your mother know what you are up to. The last time I used the toothpaste, my mama wasn't very pleased!)
The next step is,put these things in the potion in the same order as listed,first put a squirt of tooth paste in, oh yeah ask your parents before you put these things in ,then you take a little measuring cup and fill it half way.Take a wheat cracker and a Ziploc bag, put the wheat cracker in the Ziploc bag and crush into fine powder(crush by using either a rolling pin or a hammer).
Then cut a small hole in the bottom corner of the Ziploc and pour the fine powder in to the bottle.
Close the cap and shake until nice and foamy.
You must say foamy kazoo, Kazoo foamy turn my annoying sister into a toad with ugly horns.
PS. I haven't perfected my magic potion yet as my sister Yaya still hasn't turned in to a toad.. But one of these days I know she will.
Posted by Toothless dragon who is gonna turn you in to a toad if ya annoy me!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wasting trees

I was making way too much paper air planes and my mother asked me to write what will happen if we cut down way too much trees to make paper.
Here is my take.
Number one-The air would be filthy and filled with carbon-dioxide.
Number two-The animals would loose their homes.(loss of habitat)
Number three-Humans would not be able to breath and the human life would end on earth as we know it!
Number four-We would not have all the supplies that we already have.(fruits.rubber,spices, lumber etc)
So we should all try to stop using so much paper and all the tree provided things or recycle all the paper you can!
Posted by toothless dragon who is gonna recycle( so my wonderful mom will stop chewing my fantastic brain)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Million Dollars

My mother asked me what would I do if I had a million dollars..
And I said I would give half the money to charities and use the other half to buy myself a car.
The car will be environmentally friendly and small. So I can reduce my carbon foot print.

If I still have left over money, I will buy myself a laptop,a wireless cable for my Game Boy. I would also buy some books about fables.
I would also buy my sisters those silly girly stuff like barbies and Polly pocket( YUCK!)

If I still have money, I would buy IMAX tickets for my family

Posted by toothless dragon, who is gonna be a monster this halloween and spook ya!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The P.S ( a.k.a The I.S)

The annoying little p.s( pesky sister)aka IS ( irritating sister) is a sleeping victim when the AB strikes!
The AB starts by sticking his tongue out at her. Then he makes faces that would normally rage her, if she was awake!
Then he pulls her hair, but a little gently so she won't wake up.
Then he finds something really sticky like blue tack and sticks it in her hair.
By then she normally wakes up and the world famous AB pretends to be fast asleep.
AB"S rule the world..
All for one and one for all..in the world of Annoying brothers ( aka AB)

Posted by Toothless dragon who's gonna annoy you till ya go on rage!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thanksgiving poem

Here's a poem about thanksgiving! I wrote this at school!

Thanks for food
Houses to live in
Air to breathe
New gas free buses
Kind friends to play with
Stores full of stuff to use

Posted by Toothless dragon who's gonna stuff you in a turkey and eat ya!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Paper planes

Have you ever made a paper plane.
They are really fun to fly but hard to make.
They are easy to make if you have a book on how to make them,
because it has directions. Right?
All you have to do is fold the paper in different ways to make one.
Some of them are hard to make and some are not.
My favourite paper planes are the Speed demon and the Classic.
The best place to fly them is a big grass field.
Trust me on that one.
Posted by Toothless dragon who's gona fly down and eat ya!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

F1 race cars

Have you ever seen a real NSC race?
I have never seen a real NSC race.
I've heard of them.
And I want to see one.
I have a drawing book of NSC race cars,like the Renault R26 and the Ford Fusion.
I like Formula one race cars.
Posted by Toothless dragon that can go on a rampage and eat ya!